Adapting to a Virtual World

                During the pandemic, any business which organized large events had to rapidly shift their practices to a virtual environment.  Even now that the pandemic is over, many companies have increased their use of virtual meeting platforms.  Unfortunately, combining a third party event platform with an existing event registration website is a significant challenge.  Keeping the business platform and virtual meeting platforms up to date takes a great deal of continuous updates unless you have an automatic synch between platforms.  Accordare has solved these problems for others in the past, and is ready and able to take on the task of ensuring your current online registration process is properly linked to your chosen third-party service – such as Notified (formerly Intrado), Zoom, or Discord, for example – to enable your virtual meetings to run smoothly.

                Getting your website and event data to integrate with a third-party interface is a challenging endeavor, which Accordare has developed for past clients.  Accordare will provide an automated interface to translate between your website and the virtual event platform’s API, allowing for your employees to use your regular online system and have your virtual event updated in real time.  This massively reduces the amount of training required for your employees to manage your virtual events, and makes sure that your virtual platform has up-to-date information at all times.  Furthermore, Accordare can ensure that when you send out links to your virtual events, your attendees will be automatically logged in and have access immediately rather than needing to navigate the event platform themselves.  If you’re frustrated with trying to integrate virtual events into your business model, Accordare can provide a solution.

Want this for your website?  Contact us here.